Philanthropic Advising, Fundraising Consulting, & Deep Learning Experiences that drive resources to social change

Are you a philanthropist who wants to move from “filling a need” to fulfilling a vision?

You want to do more than just “write checks.” You’re not just charitable, or responsible. You’re a change-maker. Maybe you want to learn more about philanthropic practice and how to be effective in making change. Maybe you are working with family members to develop your priorities. Maybe you’re looking for your deepest purpose. My close listening skills and deep networks in social change ecosystems can support your learning, exploration, and action.

Orange wildflowers in bloom

Are you a mission-driven non-profit leader?

Maybe you are seeking to step up your fundraising strategy and effectiveness. Maybe you would benefit from coaching support around working with individual philanthropists or launching a major gifts program. Maybe your staff or board could be strengthened by high-level, inspired training in cultivation and solicitation. I bring expertise in not just the nuts and bolts of fundraising, but its transformational potential for you and your organization.

Are you passionate about travel and learning, and the ways these can activate philanthropy?

Maybe your organization could deepen relationships with individual philanthropists through learning journeys, enabling your supporters understand both the on-the-ground issues and your organization’s impact. Maybe you see the potential for travel and learning experiences to inspire your clients in their philanthropic growth. Maybe you know that meeting changemakers, facilitated conversations, and deep learning unlocks the link between personal and social transformation. I can design and facilitate an experience that can inspire and activate engagement.

“Do not be daunted by the enormity of the world’s grief. Do justly now, love mercy now, walk humbly now. You are not obligated to complete the work, but neither are you free to abandon it.”

– the Pirkei Avot, 2:21

Let’s connect and see what we discover